COMING SOON – Support via ServiceNow

Our UC Learning Center helpdesk will transition from email to the ServiceNow platform in the spring of 2025. We hope to begin the transition in March and fully support all services and inquiries via ServiceNow by May 2025. While this change is primarily in anticipation of the campus’s transition from Outlook- to Google-based email, we hope this will also improve your experience by providing end users with a web-based system to track submitted inquiries and requests, which can then be supported by multiple team members and allow for better cross-campus collaboration. Additionally, this change will help our team gain greater insights into ways to improve our service and support of the University’s employee learning management system via ServiceNow’s detailed reporting and metrics. Check back for updates!



For information on common tasks, be sure to review the user guides for learners, managers, and instructors. System Requirements may be found on the home page.


  • What is a UCR NetID and why do I need one?

    UCR NetID is a unique ID available for all UCR Faculty, Staff, Students, and Affiliates. Once a UCR NetID is assigned to you, you can access relevant UCR systems and applications including the UC Learning Center.

  • Is it possible to use my preferred name in the UC Learning Center?

    Those active in UCPath (including employees and contingent workers) may update their preferred name in UCPath, which will then be reflected in the UC Learning Center within two business days. See UCPath Task: Add Preferred Name for instructions.

  • Why is my email address listed as

    If you are a University Extension Student (UNEX), your email will not be listed in the UC Learning Center.

    If you are strictly an employee or contingent worker, your email address should be the Business email address listed in UCPath. UCPath pushes the Business email field into the UC Learning Center. The expected Business email address is your address.

    If you are a student employee, there may be a delay in populating this data into the system. When student employees are hired their email addresses can take several days to populate into the UC Learning Center. Your student email address is matched to your employee records via your Social Security Number (SSN). If it has been more than a week since your start date and your email address is still not visible in the Learning Center (on training reports for example), it could be that your SSN in the payroll system does not match the SSN on record for you in the student information system. Please visit your hiring department's payroll representative and the Registrar's Office  to verify that they have the correct SSN on file for you. Once the correct number is on file in both systems it may take up to 48 hours to update into the Learning Center.

    If after corrections are made you cannot log in within 2 days, or if no corrections are needed, please contact the ITS Helpdesk ( and request they have their Identity Management team investigate why your NetID is not connecting you to your profile in the UC Learning Center.

  • I am not receiving email notifications from the UC Learning Center?

    Please ensure that emails from are not being redirected to your junk folder.

    For employees and contingent workers, the email address used in the UC Learning Center will be the Business email address listed in UCPath. 

    The expected email address used by the UC Learning Center is your address - this applies to all users. 

    If you work for an Organization which has their own email domain (e.g., the School of Medicine or Bourns College of Engineering) and you are not receiving emails addressed to your address, please contact the IT support team for your organization to have them investigate any email delivery issues.

    Otherwise, if you are not receiving emails addressed to your address, please submit a ticket to ITS via ServiceLink.

    Please note, you may always find copies of any notifications sent to you from the system on the Messages page in the UC Learning Center. The most recent messages may be seen from the bottom of the Learner Dashboard. Or, you may navigate to the Self > Learning > Messages menu to see the full list.

    All communications from instructors, including links to course materials, will be sent to the email address listed in the UC Learning Center but will not be visible in the system.

  • Where are my training records? I am missing Records?

    For training you have completed through the UC Learning Center, you will find them in your transcript. For specific instructions on accessing your transcript please review the Learner Guide.

    If you are a former campus affiliate who has since been hired in payroll, you may have duplicate profiles in the system. We will need to merge your records under your employee profile. Please email

    Students: If you are a recently hired employee or volunteer and are missing records on your transcript, this is most likely due to duplicate profiles in the system. We will need to merge your records under your employee profile. Please email

  • My safety training records are not showing in LHAT?

    LHAT is a separate system from the UC Learning Center that receives a nightly data feed from the UC Learning Center. If you just completed training today you should be able to see it in LHAT tomorrow or the next business day.

    LHAT can experience difficulty matching records for nonemployees from the UC Learning Center. If you are not active in payroll and your transcript in the UC Learning Center does not show up in LHAT after your PI has added you to their lab, please forward a copy of your transcript to the UC Risk Management Help Desk and ask if they can help update your records in LHAT.

  • I am a former employee and would like a copy of my transcript?

    Please contact your former department with any records requests.

  • I am looking for information on the Benefits Webinars?

    Employees who enroll in benefits through UCPath are invited to participate in a live webinar to ask questions and learn more about UC’s benefits program.

    • Employees eligible for full health and welfare benefits and UC's primary retirement benefits: First Friday of the month, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
    • Employees eligible for mid-level or core health and welfare benefits: 2nd Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

    For more information, including pre-recorded webinars, visit the Compensation & Benefits section of the UCNet website.

  • I already completed this course, why am I still receiving assignment notices?

    For online courses, please check your training schedule to see if the course is still listed as In Progress. If the online course is still In Progress, please review the FAQ under eCourses: I am not able to complete this eCourse, what can I do?

    If the course is marked Attended and appears on your transcript, then it is most likely an issue of duplicate profiles. If you ever accessed the UC Learning Center as a student or campus affiliate before being onboarded into UCPath (as an employee or contingent worker), you probably have multiple profiles in the system — a supplemental user or affiliate profile where you completed the course and one as an employee where you are assigned the course.

    In the latter case, your training records will need to be manually merged under your employee profile. Please email and ask us to look into your records.

    TIP: Do NOT retake training while waiting for a profile merge. Doing so will create conflicts, which will delay the merge and in certain cases may make it impossible.

  • I am a supervisor and need to update my listed direct-reports

    The supervisor : direct-report relationship is established in the UCPath payroll system then pushed to the UC Learning Center. The first step is to ensure that UCPath is accurate.

    • For those in paid positions: the Manager (Reports To) field on the position must be populated.
    • For contingent workers (CWRs) or volunteers: the Reports To field on the job must be populated. Updates to this field may be submitted to the UCPath Center by your department payroll rep. or SSC.

    Please contact your department's payroll representative to ensure UCPath is updated accordingly.

    If a person has multiple appointments or jobs in UCPath, only the supervisor associated to the job flagged as Primary will be pushed into the UC Learning Center.

    NOTE: If UCPath stops sending supervisor data for someone who previously had a supervisor (e.g., they are terminated from a paid position but are active in a CWR instance with a blank Reports To field), the blank field or missing data will not trigger a change in the UC Learning Center. That is, blank data fields do not overwrite previously populated fields. The UC Learning Center will continue to reflect the former supervisor until UCPath pushes in a new supervisor.

  • I am a supervisor receiving assignment notices for someone who no longer reports to me - how do I make them stop?

    If the person has left the University and is no longer active on campus, please have your department payroll representative confirm that the person has been terminated in UCPath. Please note, changes in UCPath will be reflected in the UC Learning Center within two business days.

    If the person is still working at UCR but they are no longer your direct-report, please refer to the question above: I am a supervisor and need to update my listed direct-reports.

    If the person was strictly an affiliate (meaning were never made active in UCPath in any capacity), your department will need to work with ITS to ensure their affiliate NetID is no longer active in IAMRiverside.

    If UCPath and IAMRiverside are accurately reflecting the person's status and supervisor information but the UC Learning Center is not reflecting the same, please email


Refer to the Access & Roles page for detailed access information, including an access flowchart and access matrix for hiring departments.

  • Why am I unable to access the UC Learning Center?

    EMPLOYEES & CONTINGENT WORKERS: All UCR employees and contingent workers (e.g., volunteers) are automatically added to the UC Learning Center within two business days of being made active in UCPath.

    Note: for first time volunteers, or contingent workers, your hiring department may need to take additional steps to facilitate access (see UCLC Access Matrix for Departments).

    AFFILIATES & UCR STUDENTS: If you are a student or campus affiliate who will not be, and has never been, active in UCPath as either an employee or contingent worker and you have never accessed the UC Learning Center, you will first need to use the UCLC Supplemental Profile Tool to create a user profile in the system. After using this tool you will be able to log-in directly to the UC Learning Center. NOTE: You will be able to register for Laboratory Safety Orientation Fundamentals the day after you push a profile into the system.

  • I am a new employee. When I try to log in the system cannot locate my user account?

    New employees become active in the UC Learning Center within two business days of the date they are made active in UCPath. Data entry in UCPath may happen before or after a person's start date. Please check with your department's payroll representative or shared services center for their onboarding process and timeline.

    Additionally, your UCR NetID will need to be associated to your Employee ID from UCPath in IAMRiverside, which is facilitated during the onboarding process in UCPath. Departments may see the UCPath CSC Page on UCR NetID Generation and Onboarding process page for details.

    See the Access & Roles page for additional information.

  • I do not remember my UCR NetID - what do I do?

    Refer to the ServiceLink Knowledge Base article from ITS: MyAccount - I forgot my Campus Password or NetID

  • I forgot my password - what do I do?

    For instructions on how to reset the password associated with your UCR NetID, visit the My Account Portal at

  • When I try to log in the system tells me my account is deactivated?

    This is usually an indication that you are a former student employee or contingent worker who has been separated in the personnel and payroll system. If you were previously employed by or volunteering with UCR, your profile in the Learning Center was disabled when you were separated. Please email if you need to have your profile reactivated.* Please include the following information in your email:

    1. Your UCR NetID
    2. Your current role on campus — undergraduate or graduate student
    3. Your major
    4. If you are currently, or soon will be, employed on campus as either a paid employee or unpaid volunteer*
    5. Why you need access to the UC Learning Center

    If your user profile is manually reactivated by a system administrator: If you are ever rehired as either a contingent worker or employee, a manual reactivation may prevent future payroll data from updating the system (e.g., job code, department, supervisor, etc.). If you ever notice that your profile data is not current with your role on campus, please contact

    *NOTE: If you are in the process of being rehired as an employee or onboarded as any type of contingent worker, your profile will not be manually reactivated. You will need to wait until UCPath is updated with your new appointment before gaining access to the UC Learning Center. If this applies to you, please contact your department's payroll representative or shared services center with any question about their onboarding process and timeline.

Roles and Permissions

For a full list of roles visit the Access & Roles page.

  • Why am I missing direct reports within my manager access?

    The connection between an employee and supervisor is established through UCPath. Your department's payroll representative should be able to update UCPath so your list of direct reports will be accurate. Note, it takes two business days for any changes in the payroll system to be reflected int he UC Learning Center Learning Management System (LMS).

    If a person has multiple appointments or jobs in UCPath, only the supervisor associated to the job flagged as Primary will be pushed into the UC Learning Center. If you are a supervisor associated to a secondary job you will not see the direct report in the UC Learning Center.

    If the My Team icon is not appearing in the navigation menu, please log out, clear your browser's cache or history, then log back in. If the icon still does not appear, please email to confirm your role is accurate and direct reports have been established in the system.

  • As a manager, can I view the direct reports of my direct reports?

    At this time you can only view your direct reports. Individuals who need to view people beyond their direct reports (either at the department, division, or organizational unit level) will be able to request the Learning Coordinator role from the UC Learning Center Team

    For more information on the roles in the UC Learning Center, please go to the Roles section.


  • Why is my online course not launching?

    For online activities to launch, pop-up blockers must be disabled. For instructions on disabling pop-up blockers, refer to the list of Tips for eCourse Completion on the Getting Started Page.

    A web browser's autoplay settings for video and audio can also block a course from starting. Ensure the autoplay is set to allow audio and video.

  • Why am I being prompted to Restart a course?

    Go ahead and select Restart! This is expected behavior and is simply a warning. It will not cause any issues with your training records or prevent you from completing the activity. 

    If you have previously completed an online activity, when restarting the course the system will remind you and ask you to confirm you want to restart the activity. When restarting/retaking an activity, the system will add a new attempt in addition to any previous completions.

    NOTE: The University of California regularly requires employees and certain contingent workers to retake certain systemwide compliance courses, such as the annual cyber security training. Retraining requirements may be based on UC policies as well as state or federal laws.

  • What can I do to help ensure the system records my quiz results or course completion?

    Review our online list of Tips for eCourse Completion to ensure you are using a compatible browser and settings.

  • How can I retake an eCourse?

    To retake a previously completed online activity, please use the search tool to find the latest version available. Note, going through the list of completed activities on your training schedule or transcript may result in errors if an activity has been updated or replaced with a newer version. You will not be able to restart most eCourses from your training schedule. You will need to first search for the course to Start or launch it from the search results or activity details page.

    For certain online courses, after launching or starting the course, you may need to choose Retake when prompted. Note, retaking a course will establish a new attempt on top of any previous completions. Past completions will still exists in the system and appear on your transcript.

    For some online courses, you may first need to register before you will be able to launch or start the course.

  • I am not able to complete this eCourse, what can I do?

    Please review our online list of Tips for Successful eCourse Completion and ensure you are using a compatible updated web browser and related settings.

    • Leaving an online course paused or waiting can cause the course to time out and lose connection to the server, making it impossible for the course to track and report progress. If you think this may apply to your experience, you can try clearing your browser's cookies before re-launching the course; however, you may need to cancel your registration and start over.
    • Certain courses require learners to navigate through the course in a specific order. Navigating around in a course using the table of contents, for example, can corrupt the attempt. If you think this may apply to your experience, you may need to cancel your registration and start over in a fresh attempt.
    • Never use the browser's back button to navigate within a course
    • Never open a course menu item in a separate tab or window in an attempt to skip content
    • Reviewing a quiz after failing it (instead of retaking the quiz) may require you to cancel your registration and restart the course from the beginning in order to retake the quiz.
    • If you are on a Mac device using Safari, try switching to Chrome or Firefox.

    TIP: Cancel your registration and restart the course. Clear your browser's cookies between attempts.

    If the above does not resolve the issue, please let us know and include the following information:

    • What web browser were you using?
    • What version of the browser you were using?
    • If you are on a Windows or Mac device and what version of the operating system it was running (e.g., Windows 10 or MacOS 10.11)?
    • Were you on a desktop, laptop, or tablet? NOTE: Tablets can sometimes have issues displaying course players correctly, try adjusting zoom settings if navigation buttons or menus seem to be missing.

    If you need assistance troubleshooting browser settings, you may want to reach out to the ITS helpdesk via ServiceLink.

  • I cannot advance in the Cyber Security Awareness Training?

    We suspect your browser may not be displaying the full course window, including navigation buttons in the lower right corner. Try maximizing the course window and setting the zoom to 100%. Try zooming both in and out. Certain browsers may only resize the course player when zooming in.

    Some iPad users have reported issues completing this course. We recommend switching to a laptop or desktop to complete the course.

    Please be sure to review our list of Tips for eCourse Completion.

  • I am a Mac/Safari user. Why is the audio not working in this eCourse?

    Changes in Safari auto-play functionality may impact how audio functions in some eCourses. Depending upon the version of Safari and the user's browser settings, affected users may find that while the course auto-plays upon launch, no audio can be heard.

    Quick fix: If the users toggles the audio button in the playbar off/on then sound will play normally for the remainder of the course.

    Recommended browser settings:

    1. Log into the UC Learning Center using Safari.
    2. Select Safari > Settings for This Website...
    3. Select Auto-Play: Allow All Auto-Play for the site (
  • I cannot select an answer to a Laboratory Safety Fundamentals quiz/test question?

    We believe this happens when a user fails a quiz and uses the menu to navigate around in the course instead of clicking Retake or using the next/forward button. Though there could be additional causes. The only known fix is to (1) exit, (2) relaunch the course, and (3) click No when asked if you want to continue where you left off. This will create a new attempt in the course where you may test out of any previously completed sections.

  • I do not see a Start button for an online course?

    You may be experiencing one of two issues:

    1. Some online courses require you to first register for the course before you will be able to launch it. From the search results, select the More actions kabob icon and then select Register. On the next screen you may need to Add an eCourse to the "cart" or one may be pre-selected for you. Once any needed eCourses are selected, select the Register button in the lower right slide out panel to finalize the registration process. On the next screen you should see a Start button.
    2. If you partially completed an online course which required registration and now you wish to return and continue the course, you will need to go to one of two places to find the Start button, either (a) the Current/Upcoming > All tab of your training schedule (Manage My Registrations), or (b) on the Current tab of your Timeline (opened via the timeline icon).

Registration, Cancellation, & Payment

Be sure to check out the new registration demo video in the Learner Guide!

  • I cannot register for lab safety or radiation safety training?

    If you recently used the UCLC Supplemental Profile Tool to push a profile into the system, you will not have immediate access to all training activities until your profile is fully active in the system. It normally takes newly created profiles up to 2 days before being fully active, though most people have access within 1 day. If you need immediate access to either of these activities, please email

  • When I try to register for a class I get a message that indicates registration is blocked?

    When attempting to register for a classroom-based course, if you get a message from the system that tells you that registration is blocked, it indicates one of two things:

    1. That there are no available offerings or classes currently scheduled in which you might register, or
    2. You have not met a prerequisite for the course.

    Click on the Registration Blocked message to open up additional information to see which is the case.

    If you are seeing this type of message when attempting an online course, you may be trying to access an old version of the course - which can happen if using an outdated link or trying to access a course from the list of completed activities on your training schedule. Try searching for the course using the search tool instead.

  • How do I provide a recharge number (COA) for an activity with a fee?

    At the time of registration, after selecting Register, you will be prompted to enter your payment information. Make sure you have a valid Chart of Accounts string (COA) before proceeding.

    1. Select COA (in all CAPS) from the Pay By drop-down menu
    2. Select Pay Now
    3. Enter your COA and select Submit.
      1. For alphabetic characters use CAPITAL LETTERS
      2. Leave no blank or empty fields. For any unused fields, enter the appropriate number of zeroes for that field. For example, the Program field would require three zeroes: 000.
      3. See the Impact23 site for detailed information on COAs, including a quick reference guide.
    4. Your registration will then be confirmed
  • When will a charge be processed if there is a fee for a learning activity?

    Recharges are processed after the class end date. Charges are manually processed on a monthly basis. Please contact with recharge questions.