
Training Assignments & Reports

Systemwide Compliance and Campus Safety Training Assignments

The following table is a partial list of training assigned to most employees of the University. Required training may vary by organization, department, supervisor, and job duties.

Compliance Training: Ensuring we know the laws, regulations, and policies which govern our work; and, understand why and how we should observe and apply them.

Training Retraining Frequency Initial Grace Period* Required of Training Owner(s)
CANRA Mandated Reporter Training Every 2 years 60 Days Mandated reporters
Clery Act Training for Campus Security Authorities Every 2 years 30 Days Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)
General Compliance Briefing: University of California Ethical Values and Conduct

ON HOLD as of 11/25/24 for replacement. New version will launch in 2025.

Every 2 years

30 Days All employees not required to complete UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers
Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Every 3 years 5 Days Anyone working in or who supervises others who work in a laboratory or technical area. Fulfills Safety Orientation.
Safety Orientation Every 3 years 90 Days All employees, contingent workers (including volunteers), and campus affiliates. Can be fulfilled by Laboratory Safety Fundamentals. EH&S: Safety Training
UC Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Once 90 Days All employees, contingent workers, and campus affiliates
UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals Annually 42 Days All employees, certain contingent workers, and campus affiliates
UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers Every 2 years 90 Days All UC researchers as defined by UCOP
UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors, Faculty, MSP Every 2 years 42 Days All faculty and supervisory employees (based on employee relations and classification codes per UCOP or listed direct reports per UCPath)

UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Non-Supervisors

Every 2 years 42 Days All non-supervisory employees.
UC Workplace Violence Prevention Training Annually 30 Days All employees, except sworn law enforcement officers or those who are assigned Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare.

*Rehires or intercampus transfers will be due based on any prior completion dates.

FAQ: Required Training Status Reports

Managers and Learning Coordinators may access training exception reports from the Manager Dashboard as well as attendance, required training status, and recharge reports for their direct reports and/or viewable users via Advanced Reporting. For all other report requests, please contact 

The campus UCR Compliance Training Dashboard is available on SharePoint.